Now here we are in 2013. We have a whole new year, a whole
new adventure. What will it bring? Who knows? What I do know is there are
decisions we can make now that can help shape how the year goes. Of course,
there will always be those unknowns that will affect our lives, but if we never
made any decisions, never tried, our lives would be pathetic. I, for one, am
deciding to not be pathetic.
I’ve never been one for making and adhering to New Year’s
resolutions. Such have always seemed to be so black and white, so specific, and
a fast-track to failure. For instance, a person resolves to lose 50 pounds by
summer, but only loses 30. Despite the fact that the person is probably
healthier, he/she has still failed at achieving the resolution.
So with that in mind, I have decided to develop resolutions
that recognize achievement without being so absolute. Dealing with absolutes is
like going through life with blinders on. There’s a whole big world of
possibilities and if one goes through life without at least recognizing that
there are other possibilities/options beyond one’s scope of knowledge, one stifles
creativity and misses a great deal of life’s beauty and delight.
Here are my resolutions for 2013:
1. I will do my best to get in better shape. I sit in front
of a computer much too much. I need to move more and make some better food
2. I will read more and play online games less. Playing
online games is a great way for me to relax. But I can relax and expand my mind
by reading more.
3. I will do a better job of letting those who are important
to me know just how important they are.
4. I will do my best to rid my life of unnecessary drama.
There are those persons in my life who insist on creating drama, despite
knowing that I detest unnecessary drama. Much of it is to get attention, as
said persons constantly have to have attention, but some also is to create a
situation in which those persons can then swoop in and save the day. Either
way, I’ve had enough and am going to do my best to get that crap out of my
5. I will do my best to cut loose unhealthy, dysfunctional
relationships. Enough said.
6. I will do my best to develop healthy, meaningful
7. I will do my best to remain open to the possibility of
options becoming available in the future and not restricting myself to only the
changes mentioned above.
I hope each of you who reads this has a wonderful 2013! I
plan to do so. Happy New Year!