Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Gully washers, eerily quiet darkness, and Queen

Continuing with the storm theme (see most recent previous post: "Camping, a tornado, and a fierce creature"), I am writing this by screen light, as our power has been out for just under an hour.

We lost electricity when the second of two gully washers blew through town this evening. With the first, there was a lot of wind and some heavy rain. Some people in other parts of the city lost power then. The second round of storms, however, were quite intense and knocked out power to more than 18,000 people in town, including a good chunk of the southeast part of the city, according to Evergy's power outage map. It even knocked out our cable/internet provider, as I received a text from them as well. 

Even with Mother Nature throwing a hissy fit outside, the darkness inside the house was eerily quiet. No TV. No internet. Fortunately, my laptop switched over to battery power so I briefly amused myself with a game on my computer and then began writing. I also had the company of Queen singing "Bohemian Rhapsody" in my head. As of me writing this, they are still singing.

I even sang along (all the parts, of course) for a bit, but whenever I, or they, forgot the words, the song reverted back to "thunderbolt and lightning, very, very frightening me," where they had started singing in the first place. 

It reminded me of grade school days when my friends and I used to sing popular music of the 1960s while on my swing set. At least we thought we were. The Beatles were one of our favorite groups to "cover." While we thought we were singing a Beatles song, in reality, we were singing a mash-up of every Beatles lyric we could remember. There were at least four different Beatles songs represented. I'm sure we drove most of the old folks in the neighborhood crazy as we sang at the top of our lungs, but the nice old fella across the alley from us found our swing set shows amusing.

Well, after approximately an hour of darkness, the power is back on and all seems well so far. I think I will wait until the morning to see what sort of tree and other outdoor damage we have. Goodnight!

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