Saturday, September 21, 2024

Remembering a good man, my Uncle

My Mom dearly loved her "baby" brother, Jere. 

Her face would light up whenever he called and she eagerly anticipated those times when they got to be together.

As of yesterday, they are together once again. I imagine she was waiting for him with a big smile on her face, ready to give him a big hug.

Mom and Uncle Jere when they were kids.

I tell you this not to gain your sympathy. I would prefer that you direct your thoughts and prayers toward my two cousins who lost their Dad. I can relate to what they might be going through, though it is all new to them.

Rather, I want you to know what sort of person my Uncle Jere was. He was a good man, the type of person you would want as a relative.

After my Dad died last year, Uncle Jere stepped in, checking on me occasionally and providing fatherly advice. Those who know me well know that I might have bristled at that, after all, I am fiercely independent. But coming from Uncle Jere, it was okay. I knew he cared.

He loved to text me photos of family, which, of course, I would share with Mom. I got to know a couple of generations of cousins, many of whom I had never met, thanks to those texts.

Uncle Jere also had a great sense of humor and liked to tease those around him. Like Mom, he had a keen sense for finding the funny in situations. I loved listening to him when he was telling a story about someone because I knew, at some point, there would be something funny.

He also was ornery. According to Mom, a great deal of his orneriness in his youth was directed at my Grandmother. It apparently was great fun to hear her shriek at his hijinks!

Despite his ornery streak, Uncle Jere cared deeply about his family. While I am missing him terribly, I take comfort in the fact that he is with Mom once again.

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