Sunday, September 1, 2024

Wishing you all a little ba-dee-ya

A friend texted me this morning and wished me a Happy September, complete with a little "ba-dee-ya." Those who know me well know that Earth, Wind, and Fire is my favorite group. And while I will make my annual posting of EW&F singing September, I will wait until the 21st, so you all have that to look forward to!

I, for one, am glad that August is history and we have begun a new month. Mom's death in August hit me hard. For the most part, I have holed up in what is now "my" house. I haven't wanted to interact with people any more than I have to. That included missing my 45th high school reunion.

While, as I have told some, August sucked, it is important to note that a number of my classmates brought a happy end to the month this weekend. Thanks to all of you who posted reunion photos on our class Facebook page. It was fun to see people I haven't seen in years, and even more fun to try to figure out who some people were. Kudos to the reunion committee who pulled together a fun couple of days of activities in such short order. It looked as though everyone had a great time.

Some of my classmates. Photo courtesy Sara

September has, for the most part, been a happy month for me. It teases that fall is almost here, and given our current temperatures, it is doing its job well.

It signals the beginning of the football season, which as many of you know is my favorite sport.

September also brings a particularly pleasing light, as the Earth adjusts and the sun appears to move more toward the south. Days become cooler and crisper, while remaining bright and shiny with a light only autumn can provide. Yes, I am aware that we still can have some quite hot days in September, but until those come along, I intend to enjoy the 80s weather we're having.

As my friend did with me, I wish you all a Happy September! May each of you find a little ba-dee-ya in your life this month!

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