Sunday, February 9, 2025

A hand for the Lady Gaga song selection

The Chiefs hat I am wearing today.
Photo © Leslie Eikleberry 2025

The song that Lady Gaga sang before the Super Bowl game today holds a special place in my heart. 

A little over two years ago, I had finally gotten the chance to watch Top Gun: Maverick. Hold My Hand has a prominent place toward the end of the movie. 

As the credits were rolling, I drifted off to sleep, only to be awaken a few minutes later when the hospital called at about 12:30 a.m. to tell me that Dad had died. All the while, Hold My Hand was playing on a loop in my head.

At the time, I thought it was Dad's way of letting me know that he would always be with me.

While I know the song had another meaning today, I also believe that Lady Gaga singing Hold My Hand was Dad checking in with me. We didn't watch all football games together, but Mom, Dad, and I did watch the Super Bowl together.

Although he's not physically here, I know Dad is still watching the Super Bowl with me. A photo of Mom will probably soon pop up on my watch to let me know that Mom also is watching with us.

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