Monday, February 17, 2025

Everything old is new again

The phrase "Everything old is new again" has special meaning for me these days. 

When I was young, I had a kid-sized table and chairs. Quite often, I used the table when I colored, which I loved to do. (Still do!) We also used it when playing house. Additionally, the table doubled as the kiddie table when there were family food gatherings. 

Once I outgrew the table and chairs, Dad put them in the basement. 

One year for Christmas, again when I was young, I received a toy riding horse. It seemed huge at the time. The horse was made of wood and painted red and white. It was attached to a solid wooden frame with springs. The idea was to pretend to be riding a horse while bouncing it on the springs.

My horse. Photo © Leslie Eikleberry 2025

I loved that horse and I loved to make it bounce. I would get to bouncing so hard, that the frame would come up off the floor, making loud thumping noises. That would send Mom running in my direction, as she thought I had fallen! Needless to say, I got into trouble often for bouncing the horse off the floor!

As happened with the table and chairs, I outgrew the horse. And like the table and chairs, the horse was relegated to the basement. There, they all stayed for decades.

When I sold my childhood home in December, I left the table, chairs, and horse for the new owner to dispose of as he pleased. Little did I know that he would bring new life to my old playthings and cause me happiness once again.

One day, a few weeks after the sale, the new owner texted me a short video of his young daughter playing on the horse on their porch. He told me that the horse was still in good shape and that all he had to do was dust it off!

Then today, he sent me a couple of photos of his adorable young daughter sitting at the table. In one, she is giving me a thumbs up! He had moved the table and chairs to their home and now she has her own personal table and chairs!

Both instanced did my heart good to see another youngster enjoying my playthings as much as I did!

I also was touched that the new owner cared enough to share his daughter's joy with me.

With all of the divisiveness and disarray in our world these days, it's nice to have first-hand examples that there are still good people in this world and that there is a happy little girl who is loving her new horse and table and chairs!

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